Healthcare, digital experience, sports performance and much more.
We've helped clients in virtually every industry better understand their customer's needs and envision new solutions. From Fortune 100 companies to world-stage athletes, global medicalp platforms to cat toys, we've helped tackle a huge array of design problems.

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Learning a New Market
Helping a device accessory maker understand the needs of the home user to identify new, relevant product opportunities.

Envisioning an Authentic Green Experience
Positioning an emerging leading edge “green” brand for its for national rollout.

Interactive Classroom Revolution
A revolutionary projector that allows gestural input gets optimized for the classroom environment.

Teaching Teams to Design Think
Workshops and experiences to inform, inspire and help your teams think differently.

Health Insurance Messaging Strategy
Deeply understanding the uninsured's attitudes and reference points to create a successul messaging strategy.

Increasing Patient Compliance
Understanding barriers to patient compliance and creating a more universally acceptable experience.

Running with Tech
Defining opportunties for how runners can carry thigns while running.